High Performance Endorsement
What is a high performance endorsement?
Federal aviation regulations require pilots to have a high-performance airplane endorsement in order to act as pilot-in-command (PIC) of a high-performance airplane. Any airplane with an engine of more than200 horsepower is considered “high-performance.” An airplane with a 200-horsepower engine does not qualify. On a multiengine airplane, the engines are evaluated individually (horsepower ratings are not added together).
This one-time logbook endorsement can be earned through ground and flight training. The FAA does not require a special checkride or knowledge test to earn the endorsement. A flight instructor gives you the endorsement after you have received training and have been found proficient. Note: Pilots who logged PIC time in high-performance airplanes prior to 8/4/97 are grandfathered in and don’t need the endorsement.
14 CFR 61.31(f): Additional training required for operating high-performance airplanes
Except as provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, no person may act as pilot in command of a high-performance airplane (an airplane with an engine of more than 200 horsepower), unless the person has–
Received and logged ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in a high-performance airplane, or in a flight simulator or flight training device that is representative of a high-performance airplane, and has been found proficient in the operation and systems of the airplane; and
Received a one-time endorsement in the pilot’s logbook from an authorized instructor who certifies the person is proficient to operate a high-performance airplane.
The training and endorsement required by paragraph (f)(1) of this section is not required if the person has logged flight time as a pilot in command of a high-performance airplane, or in a flight simulator or flight training device that is representative of a high-performance airplane prior to August 4, 1997.
How long will it take you to receive your endorsement?
​Each student is unique, so overall cost may vary by student based on experience and required time to complete.
Most students can expect approximately 2 to 4 hours of ground instruction along with 4 to 8 hours of flight instruction in a complex airplane.
How much will my endorsement cost?
Students should budget $1,000 to $1,800 for their high performance endorsement training.